- 公司名称 A.I. Tech srl
- 地区 意大利、欧盟
- 公司简介 A.I.Tech 是一家意大利公司,专注于设计和开发基于先进人工智能和深度学习算法的前沿视频分析解决方案。
- 业务类型 - 智能零售 - 智能城市 - 安全和安保 - 智能制造
- 产品 超过 20 款应用,包括:AI-Smart Retail、AI-Smart Surveillance、AI-Smart Transportation 和 AI-Smart Parking。
- 联络 联系表

A.I. Tech offers more than 20 video analytic applications embedded on the NVIDIA based AAEON BOXER platforms, enabling A.I. Tech and AAEON to add Intelligence to both the latest generation video surveillance systems, and to revamping operations on existing systems, without the need for large or expensive servers. A.I. Tech solutions can be profitably deployed in different vertical markets, ranging from retail and business intelligence to digital signage; as well as security, banking, smart parking, smart roads and Smart City.
Retail | Business | Digital Signage | Security | Banking Security |
Smart Hospital | Smart Roads | Traffic Monitoring | Smart Cities | Smart Parking |

AI-Smart Retail includes all the plugins needed to monitor the point of sale, in the most universal sense of the term; it includes counting people at a gate, assessing the crowd occupying an area, the time density map as well as biometric profiling of people in the area.

AI-Smart Surveillance includes all plugins required for indoor and outdoor surveillance and security; it includes selective intrusion detection, it may be activated and/or excluded for single or multiple categories (person, animal, vehicle), detection of anomalous behavior (abandoned luggage, loitering, falling to the ground, the onset of panic) and alarm situations for fire and/or smoke. The platform also includes a plugin for monitoring ATMs in order to prevent attacks preceded by anomalous behavior of the attackers.

AI-Smart Transportation includes all the plug-ins needed in a modern smart city; it features intelligent traffic monitoring through 3D detection of pedestrians and vehicles with their complete identification by reading number plates, classifying them into categories, identifying the model and make and characterising their motion by estimating their speed and the lane they occupy. Detection of anomalous situations, such as accidents, congestions, traffic violations, pedestrian gatherings further enhances the solution.

AI-Smart Parking includes all the plugins needed to manage parking areas, both bordered and not. It includes real-time identification of available and occupied parking lots, and for the latter it collects information on the parked vehicle, incorporating number plate recognition, vehicle classification and counting of people who have left and/or entered each vehicle. It allows the detection of the anomalous behaviour of pedestrians wandering in the car park with unclear intentions.
A.I. Tech applications are designed for use with the AAEON lineup of BOXER-8200AI systems powered by NVIDIA® Jetson™ System-on-Modules (SoM).